“Design is where art and science meet”

 – unknown –
Something about me

hello. i am chairy


I solve complex problems and translate my understanding into simple and delightful design solutions to solve real world problems. 


I am curious about people and constantly seek input from users and customers throughout my design process.

Program Manager

I strongly believe that getting delivered on time into the right people’s hands is a key criteria for a successful design. 

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

 – Steve Jobs –
Enjoy some of my

latest work

Azure Stream Analytics

Microsoft’s first real-time data processing service in Azure, bringing in tight integration with Power BI and other Microsoft services.

Windows 8

Including PC settings, developer portal, language input, and several other device-related experiences on the modern platform.

Thanks for reading! You can download my resume here ››